Wednesday, January 9, 2013

闆穿 Snow Crash_345

e type of thing, but a high burbling flame with black smoke sliding out of it, like you get from a large quantity of gasoline.
"Gang warfare,, maybe," Eliot theorizes.
"Energy source," Hiro guesses.
"Entertainment," Fisheye says. "They don't have cable on the fucking Raft."
Before they really plunge into Hell, Eliot takes the lid off the fuel tank and slides the dipstick into there, checking the fuel supply. He doesn't say anything, but he doesn't look especially happy.
"Turn off all the lights," Eliot says when it seems they are still miles away. "Remember that we have already been sighted by several hundred or even several thousand people who are armed and hungry."
Vic is already going around the boat shutting off lights via the simple expedient of a ball peen hammer. Fisheye just stands there and listens intently to Eliot, suddenly respectful. Eliot continues. "Take off all the bright orange clothing, even if it means we get cold. From now on, we lay down on the decks, expose ourselves as little as possible,link, and we don't talk to each other unless necessary. Vic, you stay midships with your rifle and wait for someone to hit us with a spotlight. Anyone hits us with a spotlight from any direction, you shoot it out. That includes flashlights from small boats. Hiro, your job is gunwale patrol. You just keep going around the edges of this yacht, anywhere that a swimmer could climb up over the edge and slip on board, and when that happens,Cheap Foamposites, cut his arms off. Also, be on the lookout for any kind of grappling-hook type stuff. Fisheye, if any other floating object comes within a hundred feet of us, sink it.
"If you see Raft people with antennas coming out of their heads, try to kill them first, because they can talk to each other,cheap foamposites."
"Antennas coming out of their heads?" Hiro says.
"Yeah. Raft gargoyle types," Eliot says.
"Who are they?"
"How the fuck should I know? I've just seen 'em a few times, from a distance. Anyway, I'm going to take us straight in toward the center, and once we get close enough, I'll turn

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