Sunday, January 13, 2013

鏃跺厜涔嬭疆 The Great Hunt_309

peered back and forth from sleeping human Darkfriends to sleeping Trollocs. Even in the night it was plain Loial's eyes were as wide as they could go; they looked as big as saucers in the light of the moon. Rand reached out and took Loial's hand.
The Ogier gave a start and gasped,cheap foamposites. Rand put a finger across his lips, set Loial's hand on the chest, and mimed lifting. For a time - it seemed forever, in the night, with Darkfriends and Trollocs all around; it could not have been more than heartbeats - Loial stared. Then, slowly, he put his arms around the golden chest and stood. He made it seem effortless.
Ever so carefully, even more carefully than he had come in, Rand began to walk out of the camp, behind Loial and the chest,coach canada outlet. Both hands on his sword, he watched the sleeping Darkfriends, the still shapes of the Trollocs. All those shadowed figures began to be swallowed deeper in the darkness as they drew away. Almost free,cheap foamposites. We've done it!
The man who had been sleeping near the chest suddenly sat up with a strangled yell, then leaped to his feet. "It's gone! Wake, you filth! It's gooonnne!" Fain's voice; even in the void Rand recognized it. The others scrambled erect, Darkfriends and Trollocs, calling to know what was happening, growling and snarling. Fain's voice rose to a howl. "I know it is you, al'Thor! You're hiding from me, but I know you are out there! Find him! Find him! Al'Thoooor!" Men and Trollocs scattered in every direction.
Wrapped in emptiness, Rand kept moving. Almost forgotten in entering the camp, saidin pulsed at him.
"He cannot see us," Loial whispered low. "Once we reach the horses - "
A Trolloc leaped out of the dark at them, cruel eagle's beak in a man's face where mouth and nose should have been, scythe-like sword already whistling through the air.
Rand moved without thought. He was one with the blade. Cat Dances on the Wall,air max outlet. The Trolloc screamed as it fell, screamed again as it died.
"Run, Loial!" Rand commanded. Saidin called to him. "Run!"
He was dimly aware of Loial lumbering to an

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