Monday, December 17, 2012

  Up on the speaker's platform

  Up on the speaker's platform, we ministers and other officials of the Nation, entering from backstage,found ourselves chairs in the five or six rows behind the big chair reserved for Mr. Muhammad,adidas shoes for girls. Someof the ministers had come hundreds of miles to be present. We would be turning about in our chairs,beaming with smiles, wringing each other's hands, and exchanging "As-Salaam-Alaikum" and "Wa-Alaikum-Salaam" in our genuine deep rejoicing to see each other again.
  Always, meeting us older hands in Mr. Muhammad's service for the first time, there were several newministers of small new Temples. My brothers Wilfred and Philbert were respectively now theministers of the Detroit and Lansing Temples. Minister Jeremiah X headed Atlanta's Temple. MinisterJohn X had Los Angeles' Temple,replica chanel bags. The Messenger's son, Minister Wallace Muhammad, had thePhiladelphia Temple. Minister Woodrow X had the Atlantic City Temple. Some of our ministers hadunusual backgrounds. The Washington, D.C., Temple Minister Lucius X was previously a SeventhDay Adventist and a 32nd degree Mason, Minister George X of the Camden, New Jersey, Temple wasa pathologist. Minister David X was previously the minister of a Richmond, Virginia, Christianchurch; he and enough of his congregation had become Muslims so that the congregation split and themajority turned the church into our Richmond Temple. The Boston Temple's outstanding youngMinister Louis X, previously a well-known and rising popular singer called "The Charmer," hadwritten our Nation's popular first song, titled "White Man's Heaven is Black Mali's Hell." MinisterLouis X had also authored our first play, "Orgena" ("A Negro" spelled backwards); its theme was theall-black trial of a symbolic white man for his world crimes against non-whites,nike heels; found guilty,sentenced to death, he was dragged off shouting about all he had done "for the nigra people."Younger even than our talented Louis X were some newer ministers, Minister Thomas J. X of theHartford Temple being one example, and another the Buffalo Temple's Minister Robert J. X.
  I had either originally established or organized for Mr. Muhammad most of the represented temples.
  Greeting each of these Temples' brother ministers would bring back into my mind images of "fishing"for converts along the streets and from door-to-door wherever the black people were congregated. Iremembered the countless meetings in living rooms where maybe seven would be a crowd; thegradually building, building-on up to renting folding chairs for dingy little storefronts which Muslimsscrubbed to spotlessness.
  We together on a huge hall's speaking platform, and that vast audience before us, miraculouslymanifested, as far as I was concerned, the incomprehensible power of Allah. For the first time, I trulyunderstood something Mr. Muhammad had told me: he claimed that when he was going through thesacrificial trials of fleeing the black hypocrites from city to city, Allah had often sent him visions of great audiences who would one day hear the teachings; and Mr. Muhammad said the visions alsobuoyed him when he was locked up for years in the white man's prison.

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