Saturday, December 15, 2012

Our nation will not be undone by terror

Our nation will not be undone by terror. We will defeat it, but we must take care that in so doing we do not compromise the character of our country or the future of our children. Our mission to form a more perfect union is now a global one.
As for myself, Im still working on that list of life goals I made as a young man. Becoming a good person is a lifelong effort that requires letting go of anger at others and holding on to responsibility for the mistakes Ive made. And it requires forgiveness. After all the forgiveness Ive been given from Hillary, Chelsea, my friends, and millions of people in America and across the world, its the least I can do. As a young politician, when I started going to black churches, for the first time I heard people refer to funerals as homegoings. Were all going home, and I want to be ready.
In the meantime, I take great joy in the life Chelsea is building, the superb job Hillary is doing in the Senate, and my foundations efforts to bring economic, educational, and service opportunities to poor communities in America and across the world; to fight AIDS and bring low-cost medicine to those who need it; and to continue my lifelong commitment to racial and religious reconciliation.
Do I have regrets? Sure, both private and public ones, as Ive discussed in this book. I leave it to others to judge how to balance the scales.
Ive simply tried to tell the story of my joys and sorrows, dreams and fears, triumphs and failures. And Ive tried to explain the difference between my view of the world and that held by those on the Far Right with whom I did battle. In essence they honestly believe they know the whole truth. I see things differently. I think Saint Paul had it right when he said that in this life we see through a glass darkly and know in part. Thats why he extolled the virtues of faith, hope, and love.
Ive had an improbable life, and a wonderful one full of faith, hope, and love, as well as more than my share of grace and good fortune. As improbable as my life has been, it would have been impossible anywhere but America. Unlike so many people, I have been privileged to spend every day working for things Ive believed in since I was a little boy hanging around my grandfathers store. I grew up with a fascinating mother who adored me, have learned at the feet of great teachers, have made a legion of loyal friends, have built a loving life with the finest woman Ive ever known, and have a child who continues to be the light of my life.
As I said, I think its a good story, and Ive had a good time telling it.

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