Wednesday, October 17, 2012

chanel watches Forestier forced his way rapidly through the throng and accosted an usher

Forestier forced his way rapidly through the throng and accosted an usher.
“Box 17?”
“This way, sir.”
The friends were shown into a tiny box, hung and carpeted in red, with four chairs upholstered in the same color. They seated themselves. To their right and left were similar boxes. On the stage three men were performing on trapezes. But Duroy paid no heed to them, his eyes finding more to interest them in the grand promenade. Forestier remarked upon the motley appearance of the throng, but Duroy did not listen to him. A woman, leaning her arms upon the edge of her loge, was staring at him. She was a tall, voluptuous brunette, her face whitened with enamel, her black eyes penciled, and her lips painted. With a movement of her head, she summoned a friend who was passing, a blonde with auburn hair, likewise inclined to embonpoint, and said to her in a whisper intended to be heard; “There is a nice fellow!”
Forestier heard it, and said to Duroy with a smile: “You are lucky, my dear boy. My congratulations!”
The ci-devant soldier blushed and mechanically fingered the two pieces of gold in his pocket.
The curtain fell — the orchestra played a valse — and Duroy said:
“Shall we walk around the gallery?”
“If you like.”
Soon they were carried along in the current of promenaders. Duroy drank in with delight the air, vitiated as it was by tobacco and cheap perfume, but Forestier perspired, panted, and coughed.
“Let us go into the garden,” he said. Turning to the left, they entered a kind of covered garden in which two large fountains were playing. Under the yews, men and women sat at tables drinking.
“Another glass of beer?” asked Forestier.
They took their seats and watched the promenaders. Occasionally a woman would stop and ask with a coarse smile: “What have you to offer, sir?”
Forestier’s invariable answer was: “A glass of water from the fountain.” And the woman would mutter, “Go along,” and walk away.
At last the brunette reappeared, arm-in-arm with the blonde. They made a handsome couple. The former smiled on perceiving Duroy, and taking a chair she calmly seated herself in front of him, and said in a clear voice: “Waiter, two glasses.”
In astonishment, Forestier exclaimed: “You are not at all bashful!”
She replied: “Your friend has bewitched me; he is such a fine fellow. I believe he has turned my head.”
Duroy said nothing.
The waiter brought the beer, which the women swallowed rapidly; then they rose, and the brunette, nodding her head and tapping Duroy’s arm with her fan, said to him: “Thank you, my dear! However, you are not very talkative.”
As they disappeared, Forestier laughed and said: “Tell, me, old man, did you know that you had a charm for the weaker sex? You must be careful.”
Without replying, Duroy smiled. His friend asked: “Shall you remain any longer? I am going; I have had enough.”
Georges murmured: “Yes, I will stay a little longer: it is not late.”
Forestier arose: “Very well, then, good-bye until to-morrow. Do not forget: 17 Rue Fontaine at seven thirty.”
“I shall not forget. Thank you.”

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