Wednesday, November 21, 2012

But here's the thing I didn't need to say I'd slept with him

But here's the thing: I didn't need to say I'd slept with him, did I? I could have said we'd snogged, or he tried it on, or anything at all like that, but I wasn't quick enough. I was like,rolex submariner replica watches, Well if it's a choice between suicide and sex, better go sex, but those didn't have to be the choices. Sex was only a serving suggestion sort of thing, but you don't have to do exactly what it says on the packet, do you? You can miss the garnish out, if you want, and that's what I should have done. ('Garnish' - that's a weird word, isn't it? I don't think I've ever used it before.) But I didn't, did I? And the other thing I should have done but didn't: before I told him anything, I should have got Dad to find out what the story in the newspaper was. I just thought, Tabloids, sex… I don't know what I thought, to tell you the truth,jeremy scott wings. Not much, as usual.
So Dad got straight on the phone and talked to his office and told them what I'd told him, and then when he'd finished, he said he was going out and I wasn't to answer the phone or go anywhere or do anything. So I watched TV for a few minutes, and then I looked out the window to see if I could see that bloke, and I could, and he wasn't on his own any more.
And then Dad came back with a newspaper - he'd been out to get an early edition. He looked about ten years older than he had before he left. And he held up the paper for me to see, and the headline said, 'MARTIN SHARP AND JUNIOR MINISTER'S DAUGHTER IN SUICIDE PACT'.
So the whole sex confession bit had been a complete and utter fucking waste of time.
Chapter 30

That was the first time we knew anything about Jess's background, and I have to say that my first reaction was that it was pretty fucking hilarious. I was in my local store, buying some smokes, and Jess and Martin were staring at me from the counter, and I read the headline and whooped. Which, seeing as the headline was about their supposed suicide pact, got me some strange looks. An Education minister! Holy shit,jeremy scott adidas wings! You've got to understand, this girl talked like she'd been brought up by a penniless, junkie welfare mother who was younger than her. And she acted like education was a form of prostitution,cheap jeremy scott adidas, something that only the weird or the desperate would resort to.
But then when I read the story, it wasn't quite so funny. I didn't know anything about Jess's older sister Jennifer. None of us did. She disappeared a few years ago, when Jess was fifteen and she was eighteen; she'd borrowed her mother's car and they found it abandoned near a well-known suicide spot down on the coast. Jennifer had passed her test three days before, as if that had been the point of learning to drive. They never found a body. I don't know what that would have done to Jess - nothing good, I guess. And her old man… Jesus. Parents who only beget suicidal daughters are likely to end up feeling pretty dark about the whole child-raising scene.
And then, the next day, it became a whole lot less funny. There was another headline, and it read THERE WERE FOUR OF THEM!', and in the article underneath it there was a description of these two freaks that I eventually realized were supposed to be Maureen and me. And at the end of the article, there was an appeal for further information and a phone number. There was even like a cash reward. Maureen and I had prices on our heads, man!

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